The Female Alien with Laser Sword
I'm really proud of this mini. It's not perfect
but it came out really well. This is the first time I have tried
to do a cape and I think it looks pretty good. It is built up over
a light sheet of copper. The dark parts are not another type of putty.
That is what happens when you leave a fresh green to speed cure in a coffee
can under a hot lamp and then forget about it while you surf the net .
I was lucky. This one only got a bit dark. I've had one miniature
blister and crack because I forgot about it. The face on this mini
came out fairly nice but it's a little too large to suit me. Another
problem I had with this minis is that it was about 1/16th of an inch too
short so I cut off the feet and lower legs and added on. I'm glad
I took the time to do that as the proportions look much better.
Return to my Doppleganger U.S.A. sculpts.